Triggers usage examples
Triggers are a set of user defined rule (triggers) that are checked and executed when an Event occurs. Each Trigger has a condition and actions. When the condition is met – the actions are executed. Triggers are managed only by workspace administrators from a dedicate page.Below are examples for different ways to use the triggers, according to the action you want to perform.
See Triggers for complete step-by-step explanation about creating triggers.
If you are new to triggers, we recommend on reading understanding triggers first.
If you are new to triggers, we recommend on reading understanding triggers first.
Assign using triggers
You can use triggers to automatically assign a conversation to a specific user, when the condition you define is met. For example, if a conversation is created for a specific account, assign a specific user – see example below.How to create a trigger for automatic assignment – (example):
- To create a trigger you need to be a workspace administrator.
- Use the gear icon in the top-right corner and select Triggers.
- Click New Trigger button
- Enter the name for the trigger. Make sure the name is specific and describes its essence, like “Assign to Dan when created for John’s diner account”.
- Choose the event that will activate this trigger, in this case “Conversation is created”.
- Click Save to create the trigger.
- Click the Add condition link. Select “Conversation Account” is and select “John’s diner” from the list. Click Save
- Click the Add action link. Select “Assign to user” is and select “Dan” from the list.
- That’s it. From now on, conversations that will be created for the account John’s diner will be automatically assigned to Dan.
Default Assignee in the Account level – If you need to automatically assign conversations to specific users based on the relevant customer, you may be able to do this without triggers. See more details in Setting default assignee in the Account level.
Become a Follower using triggers
You can use triggers to automatically add a user as a follower to a conversation, when the condition you define is met. For example, if a conversation is created for a specific account, add a specific user as a follower.How to create a trigger for adding a follower automatically – (example):
- To create a trigger you need to be a workspace administrator.
- Use the gear icon in the top-right corner and select Triggers.
- Click New Trigger button
- Enter the name for the trigger. Make sure the name is specific and describes its essence, like “Set Dan as follower when created for John’s diner account”.
- Choose the event that will activate this trigger, in this case “Conversation is created”.
- Click Save to create the trigger.
- Click the Add condition link. Select “Conversation Account” is and select “John’s diner” from the list. Click Save
- Click the Add action link. Select “Assign to user” is and select “Dan” from the list.
- That’s it. From now on, conversations that will be created for the account John’s diner will be automatically followed by Dan.
Assign label using triggers
You can use triggers to automatically assign a label to a conversation when the condition you define is met. For example, if a conversation is created for a specific account, assign a specific label to it – see example below.How to create a trigger to set labels – (example):
- To create a trigger you need to be a workspace administrator.
- Use the gear icon in the top-right corner and select Triggers.
- Click New Trigger button
- Enter the name for the trigger. Make sure the name is specific and describes its essence, like “Set VIP label when created for John’s diner account”.
- Choose the event that will activate this trigger, in this case “Conversation is created”.
- Click Save to create the trigger.
- Click the Add condition link. Select “Conversation Account” is and select “John’s diner” from the list. Click Save
- Click the Add action link. Select “Add label” and select “VIP” from the labels list.
- That’s it. From now on, conversations that will be created for the account John’s diner will be automatically assigned with the VIP label.
Using triggers with conditions that use the “Initial message fields” along with labels helps automatically identify advanced scenarios. These fields contain information about the original email sent to Replypad. For example, if you have another email address forwarding messages to Replypad, you can use the “Initial message To recipient email” field to recognize and label those emails. This labeling provides more clarity about where the emails were originally sent to.
Set conversation as priority using triggers
You can use triggers to automatically assign a conversation as priority, when the condition you define is met. For example, if a conversation is created for a specific account, make it a priority conversation.How to create a trigger for priority – (example):
- To create a trigger you need to be a workspace administrator.
- Use the gear icon in the top-right corner and select Triggers.
- Click New Trigger button
- Enter the name for the trigger. Make sure the name is specific and describes its essence, like “Set as priority when created for John’s diner account”.
- Choose the event that will activate this trigger, in this case “Conversation is created”.
- Click Save to create the trigger.
- Click the Add condition link. Select “Conversation Account” is and select “John’s diner” from the list. Click Save
- Click the Add action link. Select “Manage priority” is and select “Set priority” from the list.
- That’s it. From now on, conversations that will be created for the account John’s diner will be automatically set as priority conversations.
Manage status using triggers
You can use triggers to automatically change a conversation status, when the condition you define is met. For example, if a message received in a conversation contains “ISSUE IS SOLVED”, close the conversation.How to create a trigger for automatic assignment – (example):
- To create a trigger you need to be a workspace administrator.
- Use the gear icon in the top-right corner and select Triggers.
- Click New Trigger button
- Enter the name for the trigger. Make sure the name is specific and describes its essence, like “If newest message contains the text SOLVED”.
- Choose the event that will activate this trigger, in this case “Newest message subject”.
- Click Save to create the trigger.
- Click the Add condition link. Select “Contains this phrase” is and type “ISSUE SOLVED”. Click Save
- Click the Add action link. Select “Manage status” is and select “Close conversation” from the list.
- That’s it. From now on, conversations that will receive a message with the phrase “ISSUE IS SOLVED” will automatically close the conversation.
Post internal note using triggers
You can use triggers to automatically post an internal note to a conversation, when the condition you define is met. For example, if a conversation is created for a specific account, post an internal note “Reminder – always consult with Dan before replying to this customer” – see example below.How to create a trigger for automatic internal note – (example):
- To create a trigger you need to be a workspace administrator.
- Use the gear icon in the top-right corner and select Triggers.
- Click New Trigger button
- Enter the name for the trigger. Make sure the name is specific and describes its essence, like “Add internal note when created for John’s diner account”.
- Choose the event that will activate this trigger, in this case “Conversation is created”.
- Click Save to create the trigger.
- Click the Add condition link. Select “Conversation Account” is and select “John’s diner” from the list. Click Save
- Click the Add action link. Select “Post internal note”.
- Choose whether you want to use a save response or add the text yourself, for example: “Reminder – always consult with Dan before replying to this customer”
- That’s it. From now on, conversations that will be created for the account John’s diner will automatically have the internal note added.
- The user that posted the note will show a “Replypad Trigger” user.
Post public reply using triggers
You can use triggers to automatically post a public reply to a conversation, when the condition you define is met. For example, if a conversation hass become a priority conversation, post a public reply “Your request has been promoted and will be handled in top priority” – see example below.How to create a trigger for automatic public replies – (example):
- To create a trigger you need to be a workspace administrator.
- Use the gear icon in the top-right corner and select Triggers.
- Click New Trigger button
- Enter the name for the trigger. Make sure the name is specific and describes its essence, like “Add public reply when set as priority”.
- Choose the event that will activate this trigger, in this case “Priority is changed”.
- Click Save to create the trigger.
- Click the Add condition link. Select “Conversation priority” – is “set”. Click Save
- Click the Add action link. Select “Post public reply”.
- Choose whether you want to use a save response or add the text yourself, for example: “Your request has been promoted and will be handled in top priority”
- That’s it. From now on, conversations that will be set as priority will automatically have the public reply posted.
- The audit for this reply will show that the user posting the reply is “Replypad Trigger” user, and a signature will be added if defined.
Set team using triggers
You can use triggers to automatically set a team to a conversation, when the condition you define is met. For example, if a conversation is created for a specific assignee, set a specific team – see example below.How to create a trigger for setting team – (example):
- To create a trigger you need to be a workspace administrator.
- Use the gear icon in the top-right corner and select Triggers.
- Click New Trigger button
- Enter the name for the trigger. Make sure the name is specific and describes its essence, like “Set Sales Team when Dan is the assignee”.
- Choose the event that will activate this trigger, in this case “Conversation is created”.
- Click Save to create the trigger.
- Click the Add condition link. Select “Conversation assignee” is and select “Dan” from the list. Click Save
- Click the Add action link. Select “Set team” is and select “Sales” from the list.
- That’s it. From now on, conversations that will be created for Dan will be automatically set with the Sales team.
Set conversation mailbox using triggers
You can use triggers to automatically set a mailbox to a conversation, when the condition you define is met. For example, if the conversation team is updated to Accounting, set the accounting-mailbox to the conversation – see example below.How to create a trigger for mailbox – (example):
- To create a trigger you need to be a workspace administrator.
- Use the gear icon in the top-right corner and select Triggers.
- Click New Trigger button
- Enter the name for the trigger. Make sure the name is specific and describes its essence, like “Set Accounting mailbox when team is Accounting”.
- Choose the event that will activate this trigger, in this case “Team is changed”.
- Click Save to create the trigger.
- Click the Add condition link. Select “Conversation team” is and select “Accounting” from the list. Click Save
- Click the Add action link. Select “Set mailbox” is and select the “Accounting” mailbox from the list.
- That’s it. From now on, conversations that will be updated to the Accounting team will be automatically set with the Accounting mailbox.