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Conversation status

What is the conversation status?

Conversations status can have the following values:
  1. Open means that the customer is waiting for a reply.
  2. Closed means that the conversation ended. Posting a reply to the customer closes the conversation (unless selected otherwise). It can still be reopened.
  3. Archived means that the conversation is permanently closed.

Who can see the status?

The status can be seen by users that are team members. Customers do not see the status.

You can see the status of a conversation in the sidebar where it says: Conversation is Open or Closed or Archived.

When is the status updated?

The status can be updated by a user opening or closing a conversation. Also, When you post a public reply to a customer, this will usually close the conversation, unless you choose differently.

The conversation status flow:
  • An open conversation can only be closed.
  • Closed conversation can be reopened. If not used for a long time, they get automatically archived.
  • Archived conversation cannot be changed. Follow-up conversation can be created if the issue should be reopened.

Close conversation

You can close conversations in one of three ways:
  1. Posting a public reply – this will close the conversation, unless selected otherwise.
  2. Manually changing the status to Closed – can be done from the toolbar.
  3. Posting an internal note – in this case you need to explicitly choose to close it while posting.
After closing a conversation you will see a checkmark next to the conversation subject, which means it is completed and closed.

Reopen Conversation

A closed conversation will be reopened in the following cases:
Customer replies to archived conversations will automatically start a new follow-up conversation and will link the conversation to the archived one for better tracking of the conversation’s history.

Archive Conversation

Closed conversations are archived automatically after 90 days of no activity.
An archived conversation cannot be reopened. If you want to reopen the discussion, you can use follow-up conversations to continue the discussion in a new thread.
Customer replies to archived conversations will automatically start a new follow-up conversation and will link the conversation to the archived one for better tracking of the conversation’s history.

Manage status using triggers

Triggers are a set of user defined rules that help you automate your work.

You can use triggers to automatically change a conversation status, when the condition you define is met. For example, if a message received in a conversation contains “ISSUE IS SOLVED”, then close the conversation.

See Manage status using triggers for a detailed usage example.
See Triggers for complete step-by-step explanation about creating triggers.
If you are new to triggers, we recommend on reading understanding triggers first.
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