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Resend invitation to customer

When a workspace administrator adds contacts to the workspace, these are your customers. For each contact they define an email address and can send them an invitation to join the workspace as a customer. If for some reason the contact does not have the invitation, it is possible to resend the invitation which will allow them to join the workspace.

Resending an invitation to a contact can be done via the contact’s email address field or from the field showing the user’s status.

To resend an invitation to a customer

  1. Click the Three-lined (‘Hamburger’) icon on the top-right corner and select Contacts from the popup menu.
  2. Hover over the email address or the text showing the invitation status and click the Actions menu that appears.
  3. Choose Resend invitation.
  4. You should see a message at the top part of the window, letting you know the invitation was sent.
Previous: Join workspace via pending invitations