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Conversation Charges app


The Conversation Charges app displays all charges logged for the conversation in the conversation’s sidebar. Using the app, you can:

  • Quickly add charges and log time for the conversation.
  • View all charges logged for the conversation to have better context.
  • Generate an invoice for the conversation.
The Conversation Charges app is installed and enabled for all users by default. Workspace administrators can manage this app just like any other app under Settings > Apps / Integrations page.

Using the Conversation Charges app in Replypad

To use the Conversation Charges app:

  1. Visit an existing conversation.
  2. Click Charges & Time entries on the sidebar to expand and view all charges logged for the conversation.
  3. To add charges click the relevant option –
    • Product to add a product charge.
    • Service to add a service charge.
    • Log Time to add a time entry.
  4. Click Invoice to generate an invoice.

Enable the app

The Conversation Charges app is enabled for all users by default. If you have disabled the app in the past, to start using it again, you need to enable it for yourself:

  1. Visit Settings > Apps / Integration and visit the Installed tab.
  2. Locate the Conversation Charges app (if you cannot locate it, make sure your administrator has installed it and shared it with you).
  3. Click the Enable button.
  4. The app is now ready for you to use.

Disable the app

The Conversation Charges app is installed and enabled for all users by default. You can disable it for yourself only, while workspace administrators can uninstall it from your workspace for all users.

To disable the Conversation Charges app for yourself, follow these steps:

  1. Open Settings > Apps / Integrations.
  2. Under the Installed tab, look for and select the Conversation Charges app.
  3. Click the Options button and select Disable.
  4. Disabling the app will affect only your user.
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